Thursday, May 7, 2009

Arlen Specter's Wall of Sound

Last week Senator Arlen Specter jumped the Republican ship to be a Democrat after the GOP let him know that they wouldn't be supporting him in the next election. While the Dems were probably happy about this initially, there was a collective WTF moment from the left side of the aisle when Specter showed support for Republican Norm Coleman in the still as yet decided Minnesota senate race in a recent NY Times interview, saying that the courts should "do justice" and select Coleman as the winner. Note to Specter: It's probably best not to piss off the people who you were counting on to maintain your Senate seniority. D'oh!

Later, Specter responded to his gaffe by saying he "misspoke", which is just another word for being taken to the woodshed by Harry Reid. Specter valiantly tried to clarify by adding "In the swirl of moving from one caucus to another, I have to get used to my new teammates." Okay then. So what he's saying is that he initially supported Coleman because he was a Republican, and then suddenly remembered "Oh crap, wait a minute, I'm a Democrat now! Let me change my answer!"

You've got to love a man of conviction.

You know, our government wouldn't be half bad if it weren't for all the damn politicians.

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